I know many of my blogs are filled with complaints, many of them dealing with the trauma and trials our son puts us through, but honestly at the end of the day, having him in our life brings us such joy! He's filled with joie de vivre and everyday teaches me how to live life. Chores, shopping, email or twitter shouldn't compete with our time together. He teaches me that the small things he can do mean so much. Just today, he saw a horse fly on the window screen, looked at it and said "bzzz"! I almost cried, he so darn smart. But in that moment, I realized my complaining is pointless and it comes from making other "things" more of a priority. It doesn't make me happier. It just drains me. So I pledge that I will reduce my complaining and spend more time experiencing life together with my guys. Laughing, smiling and being light hearted- those are my goals.
Secondly, since the birth of our bouncing boy, our family and friends have been a real treasure. It's amazing how much love surrounds us. He is so deeply loved my his nanas, babas, aunties, all 30 of them and uncles! Thank you to everyone who is making this Mother's Day (and really everyday) feel so special. I love you all and hope that I can equally give back the happiness and love you share with us.
Love Lots,
Mommy SF