Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Before and After

So much changes when you become a mom.  The theoretical ideas and ideals I had while pregnant have been replaced by whatever is easiest.  Take for instance diapering.  I spent countless hours searching, researching and surveying moms in the thick of it.  After Edward was born, we spent the first 3 days using our G Diaper system but found that although we used the disposable inserts the poop stains stuck around on the liners, which was well, gross. So we invested in Seventh Generation diapers and are living happily-ever-after.

Making my own detergent was so easy before the baby arrived.  But once he came into my world, I haven't been able to keep it up.  I mean who has the time to go shopping let alone making my concoctions of laundry and dishwasher soap. We invested in clean detergent with no harsh chemicals but natural oils.

While I was pregnant, walking, yoga and other forms of exercise were wonderful escapes. Now, well, getting out of the house is such a chore, I actual prefer staying home. Exercise is limited to the stairs to and from the laundry room.

Now there's breastfeeding, (I'm going to post a blog to further elaborate) I was gong-ho about it and was quick to frown upon formula, but after one week of tortured nipples and low milk supply, we began supplementing. 

Edward is now 2 months old and things are slowly getting better, he's sleeping 4 hours at a time nights and he's spending more time smiling then crying during the day.  I'm sure there'll be another "Before and After" update soon.

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