Friday, July 29, 2011

Circumcision, Isn't it a Personal Choice?

If you've been following the news over the last few months, you've heard that once again our Supervisors are on the loose.  I mean why would a progressive city like ours want to cross the line of entering into our homes and making medical choices for our families? Isn't this our argument regarding pro-choice?

Circumcisions should a decision between parents and doctors not our government. Here are 2 recent articles from the Bay Citizen:

Judge Orders Circumcision Measure Removed from Ballot

Growing Number of Bay Area Jews Forgo Circumcision

I'd love to hear your stories.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF


  1. I think it should be the boys choice; its not a medical necessity and it can cause medical complications. Also a lot of sensitive tissue is removed.

  2. I heard about that! I think it's crazy how much the government is trying to control. Perhaps they should keep their concern's on controlling alcohol and drug abuse and not what medical choices families are making for their children.
