Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Vacation for Us from Us

When my husband told me his work was sending him to Miami for an awards ceremony, I called my mom not only to share the exciting news but to ask if she would watch Edward. Of course she gleefully obliged and I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day. To be able to getaway from our one year old for some rnr together was awesome and knowing he would be safe was reassuring.

We extended our trip to round out a week in Miami and it was a great decision, koudos to hubby for winning the trip and recommending the extension. While away we woke at our leisure, ate when we were ready, listened to some great music, did lots of yoga, rode bikes around South Beach and read a lot on the beach. I even bought myself a Kindle (I'm hoping it was a good purchase and not just a very expensive book).

All this time to myself reminded me of the days of old' when I relished in "me" time. I made a promise that when I returned home I would consciously schedule some time alone with me. So far we've been back 2 weeks and I've lived up to my end of the bargain. I feel refreshed and balanced, allowing me to give more to my family.

While I was pregnant moms would always share "sleep as much as you can", "go on as many dates" and the infamous "enjoy this time while you can".  Looking back they were all right, but when you don't have a child you don't really understand how precious that time is.  Now when it's my turn to give moms-to-be advice, I always tell them that they'll need to find time for themselves. After all the hard work of raising a child, mom needs more than a break every now and then!

Do you feel like you get enough "me" time? If so, how do you spend that time?

Love lots,
Mommy SF

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