Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Counting Our Blessings

As far back as I remember, my parents always gave. Whether it was food to our neighbors, clothes for a local drive or monetary donations to a charity. Once on my own I got the donation-bug and love to give, after I married, my husband got it too. Now that we are parents, giving has a new meaning for us. We think of parents, children and families who are in need. We think about how precious our little one is and are ever so grateful to have a healthy and happy baby. So this year we knew we wanted to give to families but didn't have a charity in mind.

But as you know, when the holidays come around, charities love to ask for donations. Maybe the holidays evoke a feeling of giving, but whatever it is, it works! This week I received an email asking for a donation to the San Francisco Family House- a cost free, home away from home for families whose children are seriously ill. After reading it, I couldn't help to think of the adage, "ask and you shall receive". I quickly replied and said "yes, of course" but I wanted to do more. So I here I am asking you to help relieve some of the stress these families have to endure with their sick children and make a donation no matter how small to this wonderful organization. 

Does your family give? Do you have an organization that you love, we would love to hear from you. 

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Monday, November 14, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

With our Indian Summer behind us, cold fronts are slowly making their way into San Francisco. The smell of Christmas is in the air as the department store fronts prepare for Santa's arrival. The transformation is fun to watch as the elves slowly unveil bright blinking lights, sugar plum fairies, and christmas trees, all while the central subway construction is underway; at least the bright orange crowd control barriers are festive, completion is projected somewhere around 2018.

As magical Christmas has been for us in the past, this year we are counting the days to tree lightings, hotel lobby exhibits and department window cheer.  The look on Edward's face is going to be amazing, I mean he was overjoyed checking out pumpkins, can you imagine what he'll do when he sees all the glitz and glam of Christmas.  Oh baby, it's going to be fun!

SF Kids is in-the-know, check them out for holiday celebration around the City.

Some other sites worth checking:
Union Square Calendar of Events
Union Square Ice Rink
Ghiradelli Square

Let the spirit begin!

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Policing the Playground

The Moscone playground has become our home away from home. Refuge for mother and son to see new faces and get some fresh air. So you can imagine how upset I was this week when I came upon the playground to find Marina Middle School kids running amuck. The big kids took over the swings and seesaw and were hanging out on the benches. They weren't doing anything wrong but the little ones couldn't free play. So I went into mama-bear mode and shooed them off the playground. One parent thanked me while I watched another look at her partner and roll her eyes. Come on, I'm not saying we can't get along but, you had your go when you were a wee lad and now it's time for you to go play with the other big kids somewhere else. Most of the kids listened and unhappily obliged while others stood their ground and wouldn't leave. I wasn't going to get into it with them so I went over to the Moscone office and asked what the rules are for older kids and sure enough they aren't allowed on the playground. The sweet employee walked over and thanked me for asking the kids to leave. He said how surprised he was that more parents don't discourage the kids from playing there. He went on to say that we parents should be policing the grounds to ensure the safety of our kids. I totally agree.  So I ask you parents and caregivers to please speak-up and ask the older kids off the playground. If you don't necessarily feel comfortable with it, walk over to the park staff and let them know. They are happy to play the bad cop, it's their job.

Supervisor Mark Farrell's initiative of keeping school yards open on weekends should also include after school hours. (You can read it here)  These older kids deserve a place to relax and have fun but somewhere safe for them and our tots. Maybe we parents of young ones need to visit and ensure there are plenty of after school programs available for when our kids reach middle school.

How do you feel about policing your playground? Would you or wouldn't you ask the kids to leave or do you just pick up and go?

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Say Cheese, or Ouch!

For the last month our household has been teething. Well yes, it's only Edward but when he's bothered by his aches that wake him, we are too.  Unfortunately, teething doesn't happen for a few nights and it's over. I'm not sure why I thought they would break and it would be over. I didn't realize that one set is followed by another...then I guess another? Well it all depends on the child but mine is keeping me up way to much.

Cheesing it up @ the Stanford Shopping Mall
I called the doctor's office after a week of 45 minute-spurt wakings to only be told that the America Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) doesn't believe teething causes pain. Can you imagine my response? Well it wasn't pleasant but I think the nurse forgave me for being a waking zombe and recommended baby tylenol for some relief. In all seriousness, how can teething not cause pain? Obviously, Edward can't tell me exactly what's causing him discomfort but deducing the obvious leads me to believe it's the teeth. Other moms have agreed and shared their stories of long waking nights, high fevers, runny noses and loose stools. (Oh the AAP doesn't believe any of those symptoms are related to teething either, just coincidence, really?)

My blog isn't about challenging the AAP, but to share our experience. How did your little one do while teething? What are some of your babes choice of teething toys? Right now he loves chewing on his wood blocks and these cool teething sticks by Zo Li. A cold wash cloth keeps him happy in the high chair or gnawing on my shoulder.  He's being super clingy too, which is very unlike him. This though may be related to his pain or we are entering the "stranger-danger"/ separation anxiety phase. Ah, who knows. But what I do know is that I'm going to really miss his gummy smiles...teeth here we come!

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Emerge America

When I moved to the City 5 years ago, I worked as a fellow for Emerge America.  At the time, they were a budding for-profit renting two rooms in a large law firm's downtown space. It was such a cool spot to work, both for location and the people I got to meet.

As with children, when you don't see them for sometime you are surprised how they've grown and changed.  This was very much so last Wednesday when I volunteered at their First Trail Blazers Luncheon. I was moved by all the new faces of Emerge who were there helping out/working the event, honorees, graduates and others there in support. The event was great. As a stay at home mom, it was so nice to get out and mingle with other like-minded women. It was especially wonderful to hear former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm speak.  She was inspirational and shared such touching advice. As a mom, wife and politician she spoke highly of the importance of women in politics. Albeit she agreed it wasn't easy, she acknowledged her husband's support and role as daddy that made it possible for her to hold office.

If you haven't clicked on their link above, Emerge America is an organization that trains democratic women to run for office.  All you need to do is apply and they do all the work. They are quickly branching out throughout the country and hope to be in all 50 states. I love grassroots organizations, their efforts are so clear and true.  So much blood, sweat and tears have been and continue to be invested and the numbers are proof. Here's a list of Emerge's Electeds.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF