Moscone playground has become our home away from home. Refuge for mother and son to see new faces and get some fresh air. So you can imagine how upset I was this week when I came upon the playground to find Marina Middle School kids running amuck. The big kids took over the swings and seesaw and were hanging out on the benches. They weren't doing anything wrong but the little ones couldn't free play. So I went into mama-bear mode and shooed them off the playground. One parent thanked me while I watched another look at her partner and roll her eyes. Come on, I'm not saying we can't get along but, you had your go when you were a wee lad and now it's time for you to go play with the other big kids somewhere else. Most of the kids listened and unhappily obliged while others stood their ground and wouldn't leave. I wasn't going to get into it with them so I went over to the Moscone office and asked what the rules are for older kids and sure enough they aren't allowed on the playground. The sweet employee walked over and thanked me for asking the kids to leave. He said how surprised he was that more parents don't discourage the kids from playing there. He went on to say that we parents should be policing the grounds to ensure the safety of our kids. I totally agree. So I ask you parents and caregivers to please speak-up and ask the older kids off the playground. If you don't necessarily feel comfortable with it, walk over to the
park staff and let them know. They are happy to play the bad cop, it's their job.
Supervisor Mark Farrell's initiative of keeping school yards open on weekends should also include after school hours. (
You can read it here) These older kids deserve a place to relax and have fun but somewhere safe for them and our tots. Maybe we parents of young ones need to visit and ensure there are plenty of after school programs available for when our kids reach middle school.
How do you feel about policing your playground? Would you or wouldn't you ask the kids to leave or do you just pick up and go?
Love Lots,
Mommy SF
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