Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Counting Our Blessings

As far back as I remember, my parents always gave. Whether it was food to our neighbors, clothes for a local drive or monetary donations to a charity. Once on my own I got the donation-bug and love to give, after I married, my husband got it too. Now that we are parents, giving has a new meaning for us. We think of parents, children and families who are in need. We think about how precious our little one is and are ever so grateful to have a healthy and happy baby. So this year we knew we wanted to give to families but didn't have a charity in mind.

But as you know, when the holidays come around, charities love to ask for donations. Maybe the holidays evoke a feeling of giving, but whatever it is, it works! This week I received an email asking for a donation to the San Francisco Family House- a cost free, home away from home for families whose children are seriously ill. After reading it, I couldn't help to think of the adage, "ask and you shall receive". I quickly replied and said "yes, of course" but I wanted to do more. So I here I am asking you to help relieve some of the stress these families have to endure with their sick children and make a donation no matter how small to this wonderful organization. 

Does your family give? Do you have an organization that you love, we would love to hear from you. 

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

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