Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello 2012!

I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since my last post. Gosh time flies. When the holidays come, I feel like everything goes on-hold. Between family/friend gatherings, shopping runs, decorating well it's a lot but then add baby; makes an interesting few months.

Edward has been exploding with energy and mommy is having a hard time playing catch-up,(never mind the shopping or decorating). Or should we call it whip lash, cause it came out of nowhere. One minute my intrigued tummy roller went from partially mobile to an exploring crawler who is already cruising and grabbing things off the shelves. Who was ready for that? Sometimes I wonder "man where's the manual?" There are so many things that have been challenging; sleep regression, baby proofing, formula weening, crawling, teething. It's changing daily and the hardest part of it all is trying not to have any expectations. Sleep has been a commodity since his birth and just when he was sleeping through the night, BAM we are teething, then BAM "where's mommy" at 2am. The highs and lows are an emotional roller coaster. But understanding how the babies must feel is even more so. It's very clear that Edward is processing life differently. He seems to understand and process what we say. Although some books seem to make sense of it all; "growth spurts", "developmental changes", who really knows exactly? Since he can't really explain how or what he feels, we can just continue to assume. And as we try to roll with the punches (sometime literally) I want to soak it all in.

So as he crawled down the hall this morning I was able to stop and enjoy my darling little 10.5 month old charging down the hall on hands and knees starring at me with his beautiful big brown eyes and toothy smile. Where did my baby go? I can't believe 2011 is over and we'll be celebrating his birth in t minus 2 months.

So as we enjoy an early bedtime and some sparkling apple cider, I'll be thinking of you and wishing you a prosperous, joy filled 2012 with you and your loved ones.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

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