Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello 2012!

I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since my last post. Gosh time flies. When the holidays come, I feel like everything goes on-hold. Between family/friend gatherings, shopping runs, decorating well it's a lot but then add baby; makes an interesting few months.

Edward has been exploding with energy and mommy is having a hard time playing catch-up,(never mind the shopping or decorating). Or should we call it whip lash, cause it came out of nowhere. One minute my intrigued tummy roller went from partially mobile to an exploring crawler who is already cruising and grabbing things off the shelves. Who was ready for that? Sometimes I wonder "man where's the manual?" There are so many things that have been challenging; sleep regression, baby proofing, formula weening, crawling, teething. It's changing daily and the hardest part of it all is trying not to have any expectations. Sleep has been a commodity since his birth and just when he was sleeping through the night, BAM we are teething, then BAM "where's mommy" at 2am. The highs and lows are an emotional roller coaster. But understanding how the babies must feel is even more so. It's very clear that Edward is processing life differently. He seems to understand and process what we say. Although some books seem to make sense of it all; "growth spurts", "developmental changes", who really knows exactly? Since he can't really explain how or what he feels, we can just continue to assume. And as we try to roll with the punches (sometime literally) I want to soak it all in.

So as he crawled down the hall this morning I was able to stop and enjoy my darling little 10.5 month old charging down the hall on hands and knees starring at me with his beautiful big brown eyes and toothy smile. Where did my baby go? I can't believe 2011 is over and we'll be celebrating his birth in t minus 2 months.

So as we enjoy an early bedtime and some sparkling apple cider, I'll be thinking of you and wishing you a prosperous, joy filled 2012 with you and your loved ones.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Counting Our Blessings

As far back as I remember, my parents always gave. Whether it was food to our neighbors, clothes for a local drive or monetary donations to a charity. Once on my own I got the donation-bug and love to give, after I married, my husband got it too. Now that we are parents, giving has a new meaning for us. We think of parents, children and families who are in need. We think about how precious our little one is and are ever so grateful to have a healthy and happy baby. So this year we knew we wanted to give to families but didn't have a charity in mind.

But as you know, when the holidays come around, charities love to ask for donations. Maybe the holidays evoke a feeling of giving, but whatever it is, it works! This week I received an email asking for a donation to the San Francisco Family House- a cost free, home away from home for families whose children are seriously ill. After reading it, I couldn't help to think of the adage, "ask and you shall receive". I quickly replied and said "yes, of course" but I wanted to do more. So I here I am asking you to help relieve some of the stress these families have to endure with their sick children and make a donation no matter how small to this wonderful organization. 

Does your family give? Do you have an organization that you love, we would love to hear from you. 

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Monday, November 14, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

With our Indian Summer behind us, cold fronts are slowly making their way into San Francisco. The smell of Christmas is in the air as the department store fronts prepare for Santa's arrival. The transformation is fun to watch as the elves slowly unveil bright blinking lights, sugar plum fairies, and christmas trees, all while the central subway construction is underway; at least the bright orange crowd control barriers are festive, completion is projected somewhere around 2018.

As magical Christmas has been for us in the past, this year we are counting the days to tree lightings, hotel lobby exhibits and department window cheer.  The look on Edward's face is going to be amazing, I mean he was overjoyed checking out pumpkins, can you imagine what he'll do when he sees all the glitz and glam of Christmas.  Oh baby, it's going to be fun!

SF Kids is in-the-know, check them out for holiday celebration around the City.

Some other sites worth checking:
Union Square Calendar of Events
Union Square Ice Rink
Ghiradelli Square

Let the spirit begin!

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Policing the Playground

The Moscone playground has become our home away from home. Refuge for mother and son to see new faces and get some fresh air. So you can imagine how upset I was this week when I came upon the playground to find Marina Middle School kids running amuck. The big kids took over the swings and seesaw and were hanging out on the benches. They weren't doing anything wrong but the little ones couldn't free play. So I went into mama-bear mode and shooed them off the playground. One parent thanked me while I watched another look at her partner and roll her eyes. Come on, I'm not saying we can't get along but, you had your go when you were a wee lad and now it's time for you to go play with the other big kids somewhere else. Most of the kids listened and unhappily obliged while others stood their ground and wouldn't leave. I wasn't going to get into it with them so I went over to the Moscone office and asked what the rules are for older kids and sure enough they aren't allowed on the playground. The sweet employee walked over and thanked me for asking the kids to leave. He said how surprised he was that more parents don't discourage the kids from playing there. He went on to say that we parents should be policing the grounds to ensure the safety of our kids. I totally agree.  So I ask you parents and caregivers to please speak-up and ask the older kids off the playground. If you don't necessarily feel comfortable with it, walk over to the park staff and let them know. They are happy to play the bad cop, it's their job.

Supervisor Mark Farrell's initiative of keeping school yards open on weekends should also include after school hours. (You can read it here)  These older kids deserve a place to relax and have fun but somewhere safe for them and our tots. Maybe we parents of young ones need to visit and ensure there are plenty of after school programs available for when our kids reach middle school.

How do you feel about policing your playground? Would you or wouldn't you ask the kids to leave or do you just pick up and go?

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Say Cheese, or Ouch!

For the last month our household has been teething. Well yes, it's only Edward but when he's bothered by his aches that wake him, we are too.  Unfortunately, teething doesn't happen for a few nights and it's over. I'm not sure why I thought they would break and it would be over. I didn't realize that one set is followed by another...then I guess another? Well it all depends on the child but mine is keeping me up way to much.

Cheesing it up @ the Stanford Shopping Mall
I called the doctor's office after a week of 45 minute-spurt wakings to only be told that the America Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) doesn't believe teething causes pain. Can you imagine my response? Well it wasn't pleasant but I think the nurse forgave me for being a waking zombe and recommended baby tylenol for some relief. In all seriousness, how can teething not cause pain? Obviously, Edward can't tell me exactly what's causing him discomfort but deducing the obvious leads me to believe it's the teeth. Other moms have agreed and shared their stories of long waking nights, high fevers, runny noses and loose stools. (Oh the AAP doesn't believe any of those symptoms are related to teething either, just coincidence, really?)

My blog isn't about challenging the AAP, but to share our experience. How did your little one do while teething? What are some of your babes choice of teething toys? Right now he loves chewing on his wood blocks and these cool teething sticks by Zo Li. A cold wash cloth keeps him happy in the high chair or gnawing on my shoulder.  He's being super clingy too, which is very unlike him. This though may be related to his pain or we are entering the "stranger-danger"/ separation anxiety phase. Ah, who knows. But what I do know is that I'm going to really miss his gummy smiles...teeth here we come!

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Emerge America

When I moved to the City 5 years ago, I worked as a fellow for Emerge America.  At the time, they were a budding for-profit renting two rooms in a large law firm's downtown space. It was such a cool spot to work, both for location and the people I got to meet.

As with children, when you don't see them for sometime you are surprised how they've grown and changed.  This was very much so last Wednesday when I volunteered at their First Trail Blazers Luncheon. I was moved by all the new faces of Emerge who were there helping out/working the event, honorees, graduates and others there in support. The event was great. As a stay at home mom, it was so nice to get out and mingle with other like-minded women. It was especially wonderful to hear former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm speak.  She was inspirational and shared such touching advice. As a mom, wife and politician she spoke highly of the importance of women in politics. Albeit she agreed it wasn't easy, she acknowledged her husband's support and role as daddy that made it possible for her to hold office.

If you haven't clicked on their link above, Emerge America is an organization that trains democratic women to run for office.  All you need to do is apply and they do all the work. They are quickly branching out throughout the country and hope to be in all 50 states. I love grassroots organizations, their efforts are so clear and true.  So much blood, sweat and tears have been and continue to be invested and the numbers are proof. Here's a list of Emerge's Electeds.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Monday, October 10, 2011

SF Parks and Recreation

Living in a world class City I sometimes forget about the small wonderful things at my disposal.  I'm great at taking the little guy for walks in the City, outings at the Cal Academy and De Young, lunches and even shopping downtown. Then there's the social stuff, mommy and me classes at Day One and play dates.  But recently walking by Moscone Park I saw a flyer for free play. After looking into it I realized that our SF Parks and Recreation department offers a wide variety of classes from pottery to kayaking for all ages; tots to seniors.  After checking out the 2011 fall activity guide , I'm impressed. Class prices range across the board and all very affordable. They even offer scholarships, how fabulous is that!

Edward enjoying his first swing.
Then I read SPUR's September issue that addresses the dramatic financial challenges our parks are facing and I quickly got depressed. The possibility of all these great programs, playgrounds and parks being neglected and even closed is so sad. The timing for me couldn't be any worse. It's so cliche but you don't miss it until it's gone and although no park is closing its doors tomorrow SPUR's report is gloomy. Even before entering mommyhood the sounds of children's laughter walking past a park is priceless. Experiencing my own moment of when Edward went on a swing the first time was exciting. I want him and all other kids to enjoy that feeling forever. I don't have a plan to save the parks but I did want to share with you SPUR's findings so that we all can appreciate what we have while it's still at our disposal. So sign up for a class or two. I think that's the best way we can all support the parks.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Friday, October 7, 2011

Birth and Baby Fair Roundup

I was hoping to blog live from the San Francisco Birth and Baby Fair but there were to many technical difficulties. I was however able to update via twitter.

But in case you weren't able to make it and are interested here's my brief roundup:

My first time to the fair was last year while we were expecting. I was overwhelmed by the "pop-up" type vendors who were of course friendly but trying to lear me to their booth. Of course that's the purpose of the fair, to sell you goods.  But I tend to get turned-off by that approach and usually go to booths where I'm greeted by a friendly face allowed to peer around and then the inquiring begins.

This year I didn't feel as taunted, maybe since there was no belly? Although the usuals were there; blood cord donation, life insurance and some of the local staples Giggle, Day One, there were several notables worth mentioning:

Pee Wee Patch Kids - This neat mom has 3 kids under the age of 4 and is running this successful business. The clothes are adorable and functional.  Patches are added to the knees of the pants to cushion while your little one explores.  
Senn & Sons - Looking to decorate your little one's room? Look no more, really. Kimberly has such creative pieces of art work that will grow with your child.
Eazz Baby Wraps - Finding affordable, decorative organic patterns was a challenge for me 7 months ago. And now thanks to this cute couple, you mamas don't have to do much searching. Just pick what you like.
Story Teller - The first year is tough. Finding time to put together an album isn't a top priority, so leaving it up to these folks is great. Makes life simpler.
Kerrie LaRosa - Kerrie's really friendly and knows what she's talking about. It was good chatting with her about my guy. She's a parent coach, we all need one.
Animal Instincts Apparel - It's not only for babies but us too! Jamal has these ultra hip urban SF wear that should be a must in your wardrobe!
Citrus Lane - These ladies came up with a cool idea, a gift box for every month of your child's life. They choose the goodies, which are age appropriate and you get to use them, takes the research out of the complicated world of to many options.
Onya Baby - It's another carrier with a cool twist.
SF Yoga - Mama's pre and postnatal classes in SF almost all the time.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting Away for a Few Days

When some friends suggested we tag along for a weekend in Calistoga, we no doubtingly answered "of course." We'd been several times and staying at the Indian Springs Resort is well um, nothing less than the best local vacation we've ever taken.

If you haven't been to Indian Springs let me set the tone for you, a gem hidden among the wineries of Napa. Tucked away in Calistoga, it's an updated but kitsch homage to Dirty Dancing. Think cabanas and hammocks, massages and beach cruisers, lounges and hot spring pool. The place caters to all.

Daddy and Edward in the pool.
It has always been our go to place for some r&r. Although Edward was wonderful, mommy and daddy were on duty. What we didn't realize when traveling with our guy is that nothing changes except the scenery. Eating, dirty diapers, eating, nap time, eating, bedtime, is all part of the protocol. So there wasn't much r&r but we did enjoy quality time together. Lots of laughs, pool time and lasting memories. It was perfect.

How is it travelling with your kids? Do you have any great local spots to share?

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sidewalk Etiquette

Walking is a great way for me to release some stress without breaking a sweat. I love walking in San Francisco and seeing something new, there's always an alley, street or even a building that I may have walked past 100 times and not noticed. I'll fess it up to the fact that I am a fast walker.  I enjoy weaving past folks in my way or trotting along getting to where I have to go; maybe it's the east coaster in me.  Nonetheless, as I progressed in my pregnancy I became a cautious walker, so as not to trip or fall, but still agressive up until my delivery day.

Now as a newbie mom, walking is more than a tension reliever, it's a change in scenery. I get to see other adults, albeit strangers, get in some good retail therapy and enjoy a San Francisco day with my little guy. But walking with Edward has turned me into a stroller, walking has turned a leaf- and it's not for the better. Things are slowing down and so is the scenery. Now more than ever I am convinced that people do not know how to walk or do they understand the rules for sharing a sidewalk.

I've always navigated the sidewalk as if driving a car- always stay to the right, particularly the slower folks. But I guess those rules just like driving, don't always apply, especially in a City full of tourists. In fact just today I was doing the dance with several strangers - you go first, no you go, no really please you must, it's comical! Do you know what I'm talking about? Has this ever happened to you and are you noticing it more now with baby? Don't get me wrong, if I wanted to weave, I can. Lots of moms do it while jogging along the Marina Green or Chrissy Field, but I don't wanna have to jog to get people out of my way, ya know what I mean? Well let me leave you with my list of Sidewalk Etiquette, would love to hear yours.

Sidewalk Etiquette: (in no particular order)

*Always stay to the right
*Never abruptly stop, I despise people that do this
*Be courteous, yield to elders and those w disabilities
*Beware of your voice level while on your cell phone

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Picture this: A teacher standing in front of her noisy second grade class and as she raises her index finger to her mouth, she takes a deep breath and releases a loud "SHHHHHH" and suddenly the students slowly listen and quiet down. What a tool, huh? All teachers love "shh" I remember it being used through grammar school, high school, and in college while professors would shout "excuse me", fellow students would begin to "shh" everyone into silence. Think about all the times you've used it or heard some else use it to calm a crowd, almost instinctively to!

I've always thought of "shh" as a polite way of saying "be quiet", "stop talking" or "shut up", that is until I had my son. Seven months ago "shh' became a way of life for us. After reading and practicing Happiest Baby on the Block we understood that the "shh-ing" noise is mimicking the sounds while in utero, which is why the baby calms down. It's a miracle, that saved us from pulling out our hair.

The irony is that although it is used to quiet us the fact is it is mimicking the loud sounds of the womb. It doesn't really make sense to me how it works (I can go on but for times sake I'll save it for another day). But I have a new fond admiration for "shh".  I no longer think of it as a simple way of silencing but rather a method of connecting back to the utero days. What particularly fascinates me is that it still has the same effect on us young and old as it does on a newborn.  It makes me wonder what other sounds we associate with while in utero after we are born.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Monday, September 12, 2011

Get your tickets today! Birth and Baby Fair, October 2


San Francisco Birth & Baby Fair Fall 2011

Sun, Oct 2 2011, 10:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Fort Mason Festival PavilionSan Francisco, CA, United States

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Getting Around Town

Mass transportation has always peeked my interest.  I love everything about it; planning, building, policy and of course using it. So when we moved to SF, divorcing our car was an unspoken rule, or at least it was for me.  We've kept a car for the years we've lived here and is mainly used for my husband's job.

Up until my ninth month I was BMW-ing (BART, MUNI, walking) to get around town. I really learned to appreciate being driven around town for only $2, who wouldn't? Of course there are times when mass transit runs late and it's annoying but I've dealt with it.

Before giving birth, I was sure that I wouldn't change much about commuting, I would obviously give myself more time and be more patient. And then Edward was born. I mean of course you can bring a newborn aboard a bus or train, but the fear of tripping or falling ran through my mind, so I nixed that idea. So can you imagine how relieved I was we had a car.  Well I got very comfortable driving around town and enjoyed giving my little boy his personal tour of the City. But realizing the car was not my best friend we planned our first MUNI ride together when Edward was about 4 months.  We were heading to a play date in the Upper Haight, I was nervous for many reasons; would he start a crying-fit, would I get paranoid and want off?  Mommy and baby did great it. It was nice to slide back into a seat and gaze out the big windows at my beautiful City and stare in amazement as Edward took in his surroundings.

Edward and I are on the bus at least 2x/week. I think he likes it a lot, I know the older women love him! Now that he's getting heavier, a baby carrier isn't always the most comfortable way to travel. One afternoon, I decided to go downtown and bring along the bugaboo. Well I learned the hard way it is not, I repeat not bus-friendly (I won't get into it, but if you really want a good laugh let me know and I'll share). So I stuck to the carrier for awhile until I just caved and invested in a Maclaren Quest. It's lightweight and super easy to fold up, has a great strap to throw over one side as you maneuver your tot on your other side. It is a bit pricey and the cost of those 2 strollers makes my eyes roll. But you do what you must for comfort.  Hopefully, they'll last us through the next tot.

Both MUNI and BART have great trip planners. I use Next MUNI, which also finds your location and tells you what bus is near and time of its arrival. Have you ventured on MUNI or BART with your tot(s)? Would love to hear about your experiences.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Sunday, August 28, 2011

How Your Shoes Can Hurt You and Your Family

Although I'm a mom now for 6 months I don't feel that special "I know better" magic that my mom has. The lady is almost always right, really like 99.9% of the time. So much so when a rebellious teenage I would do things to spite her but in the end found I was only hurting myself. (yeap, a stubborn kid was I).

It took some time to realize it's useless to go against her wisdom. But there are things even now I think are quirky, like forcing us to remove our shoes inside. But I guess it takes science to get through to me as proof that what she's been making us do all these years is actually saving us for toxic exposure.

Here's a must read article for us all, courtesy of Glamour Magazine. I hope you consider the study and heed its warnings.

Would love to hear about your shoe policy.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pigeon S(uicide)oup

Driving to the South Bay I've been told to always take 280 as it is the road less traveled, it's true and the pigeons know it too. Today I saw not 1 but 3 pigeons get taken out by a car, joining a many other feathery friends.

Coincidentally, last night's episode of Seinfeld was when George runs over a bunch of pigeons while driving in the car with his gf. She freaks out after he hits them and when he tells Seinfeld about what happened, he talks about the human-pigeon understanding.  It's a hilarious episode especially after experiencing today's series of events. I'd link the episode but it's highly protected on the net.

Anyways, my point is 280's a great freeway and the pigeons know it too. But why they wanna hang out on the freeway, well I have no clue, it's not like the weather is any better there then the Mission.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

6 Months and Counting

I can't say it enough, "Time Flies!" It's absolutely hard to believe that I've been in the thick of motherhood for 6 months. Where did the time go? In past posts you have read me complain about oodles, from breastfeeding complications to baby gas.

Since then though, I must say things are definitely on the up swing. For the last 2 months Edward has really come into his own. His personality is truly shining, especially after a good nap! At most times of the day you'll find him smiling away revealing his darling dimples and his sparkling brown eyes.

Things turned around during our road trip to lala land. We spent a week with our darling friends who opened their home to us. They too are the proud parents of sweet baby Isla who was 2 months old during our visit. My friend Lana is blessed to be surrounded by fellow mommies; family, friends, co-workers, who shower her with an abundance of  first-hand knowledge. So you can imagine how excited I was to get her advice on all things baby. Especially sleep, and does she know sleep. Her little angel was sleeping through the night while I was still waking for nighttime feeds and at least 2 bouts of a crying baby.  So I put my envy aside and got to learning.  It was amazing. I either grew lots of confidence or my baby realized he needed to shape-up and get to sleeping. Within 2 days, he was napping 3x's/day and waking 1/night for a dropped pacifier.

What did we do different, you wonder? Let me tell you:
*During the day, I wouldn't let Edward stay up for more than 2 hours. Even thought he didn't show signs of sleep, I would set him in his crib with his pacifier and after a little tossing and whining he was out like a light.
*Feed, feed, feed.  I would stock him up during the day by increasing his intake by 1-2 ounces/ feeding. Then a final dream feed between 10-11pm (diaper change too!)
*White noise; we pump his room with either beach waves or heavy rain; Bonus puts us to sleep too!

Sounds easy, right? And it really is. The only issue is his sleep is on a schedule, so it doesn't lend to much flexibility when out and about. He still falls asleep but doesn't stay asleep for the full 2 hours. And if that applies to both afternoon naps, all it means is a baby who is ready for bed at 6 or 6:30pm. Another down to a sleep schedule is trying to go out for dinner.  We've now joined the seniors at 5pm if we go out. It's hard when you have friends and family who work or don't eat until much later.  So we're hosting lots of dinner and gatherings.

One other interesting thing was that both babies were on the same cycle for everything, from feeding to pooping and even sleeping. Not sure why but it was fascinating.

Edward's newest thing is his babble. He's a real talker. Loves it a lot but doesn't like showing off when around others. It's actually very cute how shy he gets around babies. Maybe he's just being a gentleman and letting them get in their 2 cents. Another achievement is he's sitting up and grabbing things. However, he's not rolling over just yet.  I'm not worried, but elated since that's one less thing I have to worry about. Especially, while he is on the floor. With all our computer wires and "things", I'm just not prepared for him to become a mover.

We've also been doing more classes. We attend a weekly play class at Day One, summer reading at the library and swim at Le Petite Baleen.  It's busy but fun especially getting to know other moms.

I'd love to hear what your baby is doing and other ways to keep busy.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Friday, July 29, 2011

Circumcision, Isn't it a Personal Choice?

If you've been following the news over the last few months, you've heard that once again our Supervisors are on the loose.  I mean why would a progressive city like ours want to cross the line of entering into our homes and making medical choices for our families? Isn't this our argument regarding pro-choice?

Circumcisions should a decision between parents and doctors not our government. Here are 2 recent articles from the Bay Citizen:

Judge Orders Circumcision Measure Removed from Ballot

Growing Number of Bay Area Jews Forgo Circumcision

I'd love to hear your stories.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Wow, as a parent we are overwhelmed by things; gadgets, furniture, electronics, all of which is supposed to make life easier as a parent.  Often, I've found myself on line at a store with a cart full of things then asking myself, "Do I really need all this stuff?" and of course I don't. So after I put it all back, I swear not to do that again.  But gosh it's hard.  There's so much we need, or do we?

In all seriousness, how much does a baby need? Besides the basics; love, food, shelter, clothing what is a must? Well when we went on a search of all things baby, no way did I realize how so many of the items that attracted us were European. The first and foremost is the Maxi Cosi car seats.  For practical reasons we initially bought the convertible car seat and after a month of trying it out we invested in the Maxi Cosi Mico, which is really a life saver on baby and mama. The infant seat also has adapters for our awesome Bugaboo Frog, which is small but rugged enough for our SF sidewalks.

Another must is the Stokke crib. I really don't know what I would have done without it.  It's been the best investment. We didn't use the sleep system which includes the bassinet. But our little guy didn't mind the largeness of the crib once we transitioned him out of our bed. The sleek oval curves and gliding wheels make this a must for all parents.  The baby stayed in our room for 4 months and occasionally comes back when we use his room for guests. If we had a stationary crib there would be no way we could or even should move the crib in/out of rooms.

Now at 5 months we are on to all things solid. So the highchair and feeding system are very high on the priority list. We love the Svan highchair and Beaba Babycook (and so does Edward). The highchair is also a beautiful piece of well made furniture. It has a great adjustable height and width as well as a sturdy base and a removable dishwasher safe tray.

Our Beaba Babycook is also marvelous. It steams, chops and defrosts all in one!  It's really light and mobile, making it simple to pack up for vacations. For moms who want good wholesome foods for their babies, this is a another must-have. Also great for busy moms, there's the option of cooking and then freezing the food in baby trays which pop-out for single use feedings. Edward also loves their spoons. He has no problem holding the spoon and feeding himself, it's wonderful to watch.

Besides the fact these products are safe, environmentally friendly and good looking, they are also so simple and practical.  There are too many products on the market that lack those traits.  Another important factor is that both the Stokke and the Svan grow with our baby. I think it's genius!

I'd love to hear about your favorite must-haves.

Love Lots,

Monday, July 11, 2011

First Day of Summer

The fist day of summer reminds me of those long hot and humid Jersey days hanging out at home when there wasn't much to do but watch tv, drive mom nuts and run around with the neighborhood kids finding a way to keep cool.  But summer in San Francisco has its own meaning, long dark days of lingering fog with no heat in sight. With an infant staying indoors has its pros and cons:

Stay in our pjs
Stick to scheduled nap
House keeping chores
Lots of mommy and baby time

Stay in pjs all day long
Spend to much time trying get baby to nap
Not enough outdoor stimulation, aka Bordom

However, staying in line with the rest of the country, summer in San Francisco also means fun summer programs so here are a few fun ways to get out and about with minimal exposure to the cool summer wind:

Do post some of your favs.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Friday, June 17, 2011

Gas, What a Pain in the ...

We've spent sometime trying to alleviate Edward's gas. New bottles, slow flow nipples, gripe water and even homeopathy. We bicycle, cycling his legs back and forth forcing the fart out along with some tummy time and find both sometimes work. But sometimes sucks.

We have isolated the cause to two things: his motion of sucking and not burping during a feeding.  He's working out the sucking part on his own, he seems to be sucking in less air and drinking more milk, maybe it's due to the fact I've switched his nipples from level 1 to level 2. So now when he sucks, it's not as difficult to get the milk flowing. The burping, well it's up to us to stop the feeding and give him a pat, even though he hates being disturbed.

Then there's the curve ball, in an effort to stretch his sleep, I tried to stop night feedings.  What was a maybe 2 night waking for a feeding turned into a every 45 minute disturbance.  We tried for a week and all we got was a crying baby with more gas than his parents! So last night I threw in the towel and gave him a bottle. Sure enough he slept for 5 hours.

We've also started BioGaia, a baby probiotic yesterday and maybe it's a coincidence he slept through the night but I'm happy to think it may have contributed. I'm sure this isn't the last entry on gas pains but hope my suggestions give your baby some relief.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How Safe is your Baby's Sunscreen?

I spent endless summers baking in baby oil on the Jersey shore searching for the "golden tan", of course I knew better and my mom warned me of the damage but I chose not to listen. Thankfully, I haven't had to suffer any of the consequences and am now very vigilant almost militant about wearing sunscreen.

But now with a baby in the picture, I'm even more aware of the sun and concerned for our family's wellbeing. So when a friend last year told me about the Environmental Working Group (EWR) sunscreen study, you bet I was interested. In this study, EWR rates sunscreens and moisturizers with sunscreen in 3 categories based on chemical levels that penetrate the skin.  I hope you find it as useful as I have.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Shopping for the Bambino

Shopping for baby Edward keeps getting expensive, especially now that he is on a growing spurt.  At only 3 months he already is pushing out of 6m wear and stretching out into 9m wear. Not only am I left with brand new clothing he'll never wear but, I'm running out of stock.  So I find myself venturing out to buy him clothes in desperation, which means paying full price, argh!

As much as I love shopping, clothes for tots are way over priced, especially for boys. The options are limited so to pay $30 bucks for a cardigan and find another kid in the same burns me just a bit. Walk into any clothing store and a third of the clothes are boys and the rest are well girls!  And well yes girls' clothing are truly adorable and darling the fact of the matter is I have a boy.

So my dilemma continues and with no idea if he'll be wearing 12m clothing now or skip it altogether I'll continue to shop for him. Here are some sites I've found with good deals, what are yours?

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Ross, Coming to Fisherman's Wharf

I love discount shopping, Ross, TJ Maxx, online stores.  So you can imagine how happy I was when the large glaring sign waived, "Ross Coming Soon". Discount shopping in the City is well, uh, pathetic.  Almost always a picked through mess so crowded with stuff that it turns me off to even shop.

But knowing the shopping area where it will open, I have a feeling this is going to be a gold mine in the making for us locals.  I know the Cost Plus World Market next door always seems to have tourists lingering, but what tourist is going to be interested in a new duvet or garbage pail for the bathroom?

Unfortunately, the Ross site doesn't have any information on the store opening, but stay tuned and when I find it opens, I'll let you know.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Parent Group @ Day One

I've been a member @ Day One even before Edward's birth, but only just attended the New Parent Group.  Most babies were about 4 weeks old, feels like a lifetime ago that Edward was, there were 2 other 3 month olds.

Although I have had some amazing support, there's nothing like hearing it from moms who are currently going through it.  I look forward to the next one and highly suggest going right from the start. There's always a wonderful lactation nurse moderating and answering questions. I met new moms, learned a lot of fun new things and most importantly found that I wasn't alone.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Breastfeeding, natural, really?

I always thought breastfeeding was a natural progression of motherhood.  I didn't read lots on the topic probably a mistake, but took a great class at Yoga Garden. I watched friends do it and not once do I remember them complaining about it. Could it be that they had no problems or did I overlook the "potential issues" thinking it wouldn't apply to me? Maybe if I hadn't spent so much of my pregnancy worrying about labor and focused on the thereafter, it would be different.

Edward latched on right after delivery.  He did well assuming it was just practice, no "liquid gold" just yet.  Over the few days in the hospital, feeding seemed to be around the clock, a trend that continued for about 2 weeks. Although our experience at UCSF was amazing, we unfortunately didn't see a lactation nurse until the third day. (Between a full moon and a storm front, over 22 babies were born in 2 days!)

By then it was too late, my nipples cracked and aching, I cringed at the thought of feeding my little one.  I felt guilty and was hard on myself.  I wasn't sure if I had the babyblues or if I was being overly dramatic. It was about one week after his birth before I finally talked to my husband about getting help.  We visited Day One and were seeing a lactation nurse in no time.  We were there every other day checking his weight but when he began losing ounces we finally gave in to supplementing with formula.

The first night, my little Edward gulped down 4 ounces of formula after breastfeeding! He didn't cry as much and seemed to sleep more comfortably through the night.  At the recommendation of the lactation nurse I also rented a commercial pump to help increase my milk supply and began taking Fenugreek and Milk Plus. (although I've read that neither are proven to help, I find they have).

Then there's the process of breastfeeding.  I just came imagine how anyone finds it comfortable.  Each time, I find myself in some strange and awkward position and not because I don't have the props to get me situated but because my little prince tends to squirm to often.   

What I tell moms is that for me, breastfeeding is an ego crusher. I was playing the numbers games, which is imposible to guess since you'll never know exactly how much you're baby is getting. And of course there's all the advice. This is probably some of the funniest:
  • Wear a tight bra, it'll help with your supply
  • Don't wear a bra, it'll help with your supply
  • Don't use the cigarett hold
  • Use the cigarett hold
  • Eat more
  • Drink more tea
  • Increase your sugar intake
  • You need more pillows
  • Have more confidence
  • It's gas, let him cry it out
I'm sure there are more, but in all seriousness, I think if I was more confident about breastfeeding it might  have been a better experience but se la vie. He's almost 3 months, at times drinking 6 ounces and supplementing about 50%, breastfeeding may just take a backseat to motherhood.  Not because I've thrown in the towel, but I have done a lot to last this long and if my supply hangs in there then by all means I'll continue. 

For those moms out there who have no idea what I'm talking about, God Bless you!!

For those moms looking for some great resources Stanford University has these amazing videos:

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

GO Giants!!

All the action got the best of him <3
Edward and I attended his first Giants game.  We had a ball, our seats along with at least 20 other moms and adorable babies were up in the nose bleeds with a gorgeous view of SF.  The weather was awesome, which made for a great outing. I totally recommend taking the baby to a home game. Seeing Edward's eyes light up as he took in his surroundings was superb. Not to mention all the attention he attracted.

The Giants offer a "First Giants Game" certificate which is cute. You can pick one up and drop off your stroller at customer service in Section 119.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Monday, May 9, 2011

Celebrating Mother's Day

Reflecting on what it is to be a mother seemed somewhat funny considering I've only been at it for a little over 2 months.  But if I haven't earned my stripes in these last two months, well I don't see the point of the day! My little Edward is the best thing that's happened and I couldn't imagine life without him, but the little guy gave me a run for the title.  

However, no matter what I've been through, it hasn't been alone.  My husband, mom, mother-in-law, sisters and sister-in-law have been with me through the thick of it. Their energy, love and support helped me more than they know. 

The African proverb "Ora na azu nwa" which means it takes the community/village to raise a child really comes to mind. Edward is so lucky to have so many wonderful people in his life.  And I hope the list of people continues to grow! So this Mother's Day I salute everyone who has had a hand in raising a child. Your efforts may go unnoticed but you are very much loved and needed.

Love Lots, 
Mommy SF

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

M Magazine

Who doesn't love a free magazine? Especially when it comes to all things baby.  I was in Burlingame a few weeks ago and picked up a free issue of the April 2011 M Magazine.  After a quick gander through lots of ads, I found a few interesting articles, but none grabbed my attention (and my sister's) as the "A Moment with.." section page 98.

It highlights a darling picture of dear Alaina who at 4 years old was asked a series of questions that I think were well, inappropriate. Maybe I'm being dramatic but I don't want Edward thinking about what kind of tattoo he wants or what he would buy for a million dollars at the tender age of 4, isn't that what his teens are for?

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Monday, May 2, 2011

Off The Grid is Back!!

Chairman Bao Food Truck
Off the Grid is back on Fridays @ Fort Mason! It's a wonderful reason to get out, try lots of great food all in one place. If you haven't been and are bringing the baby(ies) make sure to get there early because it gets super packed. Bringing the carrier vs the stroller is also a good option too.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Free Nursing Covers and Carriers at

Use Promo Code "FIT" at Both Websites TODAY!
Seven everday slings. *All styles available while supplies last! Click Here. It's as easy as 1-2-3:Udder Covers Nursing Covers. *All styles available while supplies last! Click Here. It's as easy as 1-2-3:
1.  Go to and/or
2.  Click on "Shop Now" and select any baby carrier and/or nursing cover you like.
3.  Once you have made your selection, you'll automatically be directed to the shopping bag.
     Enter the promo code "
 FIT " and both companies have agreed to deduct 100% of the cost of
     the carrier or nursing cover - all you pay are the shipping fees!

Remember: the promo code is " 
FIT " and you can use it more than once - just open a new browser window each time you do.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Before and After

So much changes when you become a mom.  The theoretical ideas and ideals I had while pregnant have been replaced by whatever is easiest.  Take for instance diapering.  I spent countless hours searching, researching and surveying moms in the thick of it.  After Edward was born, we spent the first 3 days using our G Diaper system but found that although we used the disposable inserts the poop stains stuck around on the liners, which was well, gross. So we invested in Seventh Generation diapers and are living happily-ever-after.

Making my own detergent was so easy before the baby arrived.  But once he came into my world, I haven't been able to keep it up.  I mean who has the time to go shopping let alone making my concoctions of laundry and dishwasher soap. We invested in clean detergent with no harsh chemicals but natural oils.

While I was pregnant, walking, yoga and other forms of exercise were wonderful escapes. Now, well, getting out of the house is such a chore, I actual prefer staying home. Exercise is limited to the stairs to and from the laundry room.

Now there's breastfeeding, (I'm going to post a blog to further elaborate) I was gong-ho about it and was quick to frown upon formula, but after one week of tortured nipples and low milk supply, we began supplementing. 

Edward is now 2 months old and things are slowly getting better, he's sleeping 4 hours at a time nights and he's spending more time smiling then crying during the day.  I'm sure there'll be another "Before and After" update soon.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Baby Gift

There are already so many wonderful reasons to receive gifts; birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and now I'm adding to my list the birth of my son.  It was such a treat to receive a beautiful Ashley Morgan necklace  to commemorate his birth.  I cherish it very much as it will remind me always of his special arrival.

Adding to the beauty is that she is local designer who is also a goldsmith and mom, go Ashley!

Love lots,
Mommy Sf

My Peek Away

Before the baby arrived, I attended the Fort Mason Baby Fair, which will be back this June 2011. It was great to have so many local resources and vendors at one location.  Vendors hosted hourly workshops, exhibiting their products and how to use them, it was great and I look forward to going again now that the baby is here for some refresher courses.

One of my favorite vendors were Peekaway, who created this multifunctional changing pad, breastfeeding pillow and breastfeeding wrap.  It comes in several pretty colors and fits great in the diaper bag.  It's been a lifesaver the few times we've been out and I've needed to feed/change.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes have been around for ages.  We thought we knew the words until our little one arrived and we began singing. I'm sure we aren't the only parents who make up words, and in all honesty do the babies even care? But in case you do and are interested in the history check out: Nursery Rhymes .

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Diaper Dooty

The choice between cloth and disposable was simple. We wanted to combine cloth and compostable diapers thinking it would be the most environmental.  Then we found out in San Francisco (and many other cities) you cannot throw human waste into the green compost bin.  (However, if you're interested in disposable diapers, check out Earth Baby. They provide a great home delivery/pick-up service and compost almost the entire diaper.)

I continued my search and discovered hybrid diapers.  These are cool reusable shells with cloth or biodegradable inserts.  I went on a google search for companies that carried these systems and found that these were popular and had several companies to choose from.  All seemed similar and I couldn't figure out which to choose.  I didn't want to go the trial by error route, as these started kits are pretty pricey.   
Newborn G Diaper
So we reached out to a friend who was in the thick of things for about a year now, who recommended GDiapers. She also suggested purchasing G-Flapper inserts from the Nappy Shoppe, a thicker insert for heavy wetters.   And just like that we bought a GDiapers starter set from, 12 G-Flappers and another 24 GDiapers small cloth inserts. She also told us that she started using cloth inserts when her baby was first born and only used the biodegradable inserts when traveling.  We would like to go cloth all the way but are keeping an open mind to see what works best. If washing our diapers becomes to much we're going to invest in Tiny Tots.

If you purchase the GDiapers starter kit you'll notice it doesn't come with any cloth inserts, this is because they don't recommend cloth diapers for newborns, particularly because the meconium leaves a difficult stain to remove. They suggest and include their biodegradable inserts. Check out the GDiapers "how-to" videos to get an idea how they work.  

Here is a list of the contenders we reviewed:

Other "compostable" diapers:  

Love Lots,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Babymoon(s) Here We Come!

Getting pregnant, we quickly realized that our trips together would have a +1, so we decided it was a good excuse to plan some getaways.  We always talked about short local visits, but never planned them, so now the fire was under us to get going.

photo by pkbvisions (daddy)
Mendocino was the first place we headed and it was just perfect for reflecting and absorbing what the next few months and beyond would have in store. The drive up the coast was gorgeous; stunning redwoods, artistic shades of color, a must! We went in mid-September and it wasn't very busy nor were the rooms too expensive.  

Although our destination was Mendo, we stayed a few miles away at the Albion River Inn.  We spent the next few days waking early and starting our day with a complimentary breakfast and then off forging for things to do. Mendocino is a scenic sleepy town with some good eateries and picturesque coastal views.

photo by pkbvisions (daddy)
We then headed to Indian Springs in Calistoga for an amazing pampering at the spa and pool. This place is a hidden gem.  It dawned on me how much it reminded me of the movie location for Dirty Dancing. The retro layout and kitch pool clock.  If you've been you know what I mean. 

photo by pkbvisions (daddy)
On a whim we got cheap flights to New York City in mid-November (thanks Virgin America). We lucked out with some fantastic weather and overall had a memorable trip.  NYC is hard place to sum, so let's just say it was perfect.

Our last and final trip was to LA. We have some wonderful friends there and knew this would be our last hurrah so we headed there with every intention to enjoy ourselves.  And we did, our hospitable friends (who are also expecting) took great care of us and dedicated their weekend to make it enjoyable But I quickly found that a 7 month pregnant lady doesn't need to be at a hotel bar, no matter how mellow. However, we did get to enjoy lots of great conversation, mainly about parenting, wonderful food and warm weather.

Love Lots,

Sprout on Union Street

10% Off When You Order Online This Week

10% Off When You Order Online This Week

Happy Valentine's Day! Shop online at from February 14th - February 21st and receive 10% off your entire order! Use offer codevday10 at checkout.
Tell your friends!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Disposable Bibs, I Love It!

Dwell Studio creates beautiful products.  Giggle carries some but you can buy directly from the site.  We recently received the most adorable and functional baby gift from our darling friends Christina and Gamar, disposable bibs!  What an idea.  I know so many moms that would love these but most likely don't even know they exist.  This will for sure be part of all future baby gift sets and I'm sure it'll be part of yours too!

Love Lots,

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pretty Lipstick and it's Not Bad for You

Makeup is so much fun. Especially at Sephora, where you can play with the abundance of colors calling out your name.  Colors as vibrant as the sunset and as muted as sand but what lies behind some of the formulas aren't as obvious.

My darling sister-in-law sent me the link to Skin Deep Cosmetic Database, which exposes the chemicals and their effects of most popular brands. The site rates the company, brand and product. I'm really not trying to take the fun out of my favorite indulgence, but I will say that I found the brand Hourglass to have a low toxic rating and am really liking their lipsticks. Check the site out and see how your products score.

Love Lots,

Clean Air Plants and More

City living exposes us to many environmental pollutants. But who would of thought that our home could potentially be making us sick? It wasn't until a neighbor's car idling did I realize how much carbon monoxide leaked into our living room.  The smell was horrible and the clincher is I couldn't open the window for fresh air since it was coming in from outside.  

After sharing the story with a friend she told me about a NASA study of plants that clean the air. I was surprised to say the least and happy to learn about it before the baby arrived. We live on a fairly busy street and right above the parking garage, so I stopped into Sloat Gardens and picked up a few plants. The folks there are super knowledgeable and even knew about the cleaning properties of the plants.

So it got me wondering, other than some pretty house-cleaning plants, what else could I do to help keep the house clean of pollutants.  That lead me to the US Environmental Protection Agency's website, where I discovered a very comprehensive site with lots of studies and tools on protecting our home from these pollutants.

A few obvious pointers are to keep your home well ventilated, cleaned and to be cautious of the cleaning chemicals, paints and other unassuming household products.

For more information, check out these links:
Indoor air quality introduction
"Care for your air tour"

For you Urbanists out there, the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) just came out with this great issue called Greening Apartment Buildings. It's a great piece on what other steps we can take to green our homes.

Love Lots,

"The Lanyard"

Life has its wonderful way of presenting things to us in all shapes and forms. I saw this beautiful poem from son to mother on KQED today by poet Billy Collins. I was moved enough to want to share.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Belly Mess

There's nothing like getting out for a walk on a beautiful day. Especially, when the weather folks are calling for rain in the next week.  But who can take a 40 week pregnant lady out without a bib!

I stopped in for some refreshing carrot juice from The Plant Cafe on Chestnut. And while sipping and browsing at the Gap, a nice mom pointed out that I was um...dripping all over my belly! She shared that she did it all the time and added, "at least you're in the sale section".  I loved her humor, it helped make the situation less embarrassing.

It would have been a great excuse to buy something, but I realized that I was wearing a long tank top underneath. So I tossed my shirt in my bag and was on my way. Go layering!

Love lots,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate, that is the Question??

For most of my pregnancy I couldn't figure out what to do about vaccinations. So I read and researched and found a lot of information out there. And with so many people blogging and you tubing, the internet seems to just add more confusion than clarity to the topic.

So what's the concern?
For one there's the issue of Autism.  I mean who doesn't want to protect their healthy child from the evil hands of pharma, right? Well turns out the study that linked Autism and vaccines was a ploy by former surgeon and medical researcher Andrew Wakefield, the Lancet pulled the study in January 2011. There are also articles including "Deadly Immunity" written by Robert Kennedy Jr., who is admired for his environmental work, also pulled by for inaccuracies in the piece. Rolling Stones Magazine, which published the article in 2005 has not retracted the story. There's also a journalistic piece presented by Frontline called the Vaccine War, (April 2010), it's really good, do take some time to watch it. (There's so much more out there, but this is what I thought would be helpful)

When the time came to meet with our pediatrician, we expressed our concerns and confusions around vaccines.  Amazingly he was not judgmental and shared a plethora of information in layman's terms and didn't hesitate when we interjected with questions.  A few important points he shared were about "herd immunity" a new term for us, and told us about Dr. Searsvaccine schedule. He didn't suggest we go one way or another, which was reassuring but still left us wondering. We've asked many friends and family members who have had children in the last few years and the responses are very black and white. I guess there's no guessing once you've decided, its either you do or don't, what's the alternative right?  Well another question we posed to our pediatrician was if we needed to vaccinate all recommended vaccines.  He told us what each vaccine prevents but again left the choice up to us. For example, after the baby is born two shots administered with parental consent are vitamin k and Hepatits B . After our appointment, hubby and I have decided that when the time comes we will only opt for vitamin k. 

We also learned that California and a handful of other states do not mandate vaccines, which is nice to not have the state policing its citizens. But the concern is where to draw the line. What if no one gets vaccinated and we face outbreaks in epidemic proportions, do the citizens then take responsibility for not vaccinating?

The baby is due in less than 5 days and I have not received my Tdap or flu vaccine and may not get it since I plan on breastfeeding.  But I have asked the family to at least get the tdap and thankfully all have complied but am I being hypocritical? I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm scared of the unknown and exposing my child to a potential risk to protect the greater good, am I willing to take that risk?  My husband and I will most likely vaccinate but will scrutinize the vaccine schedules and thoroughly vet the shots with our pediatrician. I think it's also very important to learn not only what each vaccine represents but what preservatives are in the vaccines. For example, it is California Law to limit the amount of Thimerosal in vaccines administered to children under 3 years of age. We also learned that from our doctor, which was contrary to some information we found on the web.  

Vaccines are a personal and very contentious issue, but with so much information out there it is our responsibility as parents to educate ourselves, promote fact-based information and ask the tough questions of our medical community. It's not easy so I wish you the best of luck.

Love lots,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No Impact Woman

A major concern to me has always been the environment and controlling my footprint. Living in San Francisco, it's easy to cut back. But sometimes motivation helps get things going, so when I came across the documentary No Impact Man I just had to add a few of his cool but least extreme ideas.  If you have a chance to check out this moving documentary, you should.

Here's what we did before No Impact Man :
  • Walk : I always carry a tote or condensed bag in case I need to stop in Marina Super
  • MUNI : I've linked a easy and mostly reliable live schedule for all lines accessible on your computer/smart phone.  You can always call 311 if neither of those options are available
  • Farmers Market : Fort Mason has this awesome weekly/year round farmers market w almost 100% organic veggies, fruits, fish and meats.  It's a great way to meet your local farmers and introduce seasonal foods to the family. And lets face it, who doesn't like a deal? We never leave this place without a weeks worth of food and many times for less than $50, try doing that at your supermarket, good luck! A quick Yelp search turned up several other farmers market throughout the City
  • Compost : Although we don't compost for our yard, we do use our green bin.  We love it and it's a great way to cut down on waste. Mommies, turns out those expensive compostable baby diapers cannot go into the compost bin since it contains human waste!  I was super annoyed and called the Department of Environment to complain but no word back, I'll keep you posted.
  • Recycle : It sounds like a no brainer, but you would be shocked by how many SF residents still trash everything. Sometimes I wonder where the garbage auditors are hiding.
  • Landfill :  90% of everything we buy can either be composted or recycled, so on garbage day we hardly ever take out of black bin.  It's a great feeling and I've recently learned you can turn in your black bin and reduce your Recology monthly bill.   
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Planet-Friendly Cleaning Agents: We love Method products (and they are local)
  • Trader Joe recycled paper towels, toilet paper and tissues (we buy whole foods' recycled paper napkins)
After No Impact Man :
  • Make our own : 
  • Clean and do laundry after 6pm (not sure how long this will last when the baby arrives) We also try our best to hang our laundry out to dry.
  • Reduce buying packaged goods, we purchase in bulk from either Whole Foods or Rainbow Coop (Rainbow Coop tends has more of a selection), using reusable bags. We also frequent our local deli more often for preservative-free meats and poultry.  We love Lucca's Deli.  
  • Cook and bake more; but freeze more too!  It's been fun to plan out the week's food schedule. Plus now when I'm hungry I don't have to stare obliviously into the fridge and wonder what to eat. We recently were gifted with a waffle maker and my hubby has become waffle king. He's making whole wheat batches for breakfast and freezing the rest for his days off.  It's great! This also cuts down on eating out, which saves money and calories. (except the days leading up to our baby's arrival, we're trying to get in last-minute date nights)
Love Lots,