Friday, June 17, 2011

Gas, What a Pain in the ...

We've spent sometime trying to alleviate Edward's gas. New bottles, slow flow nipples, gripe water and even homeopathy. We bicycle, cycling his legs back and forth forcing the fart out along with some tummy time and find both sometimes work. But sometimes sucks.

We have isolated the cause to two things: his motion of sucking and not burping during a feeding.  He's working out the sucking part on his own, he seems to be sucking in less air and drinking more milk, maybe it's due to the fact I've switched his nipples from level 1 to level 2. So now when he sucks, it's not as difficult to get the milk flowing. The burping, well it's up to us to stop the feeding and give him a pat, even though he hates being disturbed.

Then there's the curve ball, in an effort to stretch his sleep, I tried to stop night feedings.  What was a maybe 2 night waking for a feeding turned into a every 45 minute disturbance.  We tried for a week and all we got was a crying baby with more gas than his parents! So last night I threw in the towel and gave him a bottle. Sure enough he slept for 5 hours.

We've also started BioGaia, a baby probiotic yesterday and maybe it's a coincidence he slept through the night but I'm happy to think it may have contributed. I'm sure this isn't the last entry on gas pains but hope my suggestions give your baby some relief.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How Safe is your Baby's Sunscreen?

I spent endless summers baking in baby oil on the Jersey shore searching for the "golden tan", of course I knew better and my mom warned me of the damage but I chose not to listen. Thankfully, I haven't had to suffer any of the consequences and am now very vigilant almost militant about wearing sunscreen.

But now with a baby in the picture, I'm even more aware of the sun and concerned for our family's wellbeing. So when a friend last year told me about the Environmental Working Group (EWR) sunscreen study, you bet I was interested. In this study, EWR rates sunscreens and moisturizers with sunscreen in 3 categories based on chemical levels that penetrate the skin.  I hope you find it as useful as I have.

Love Lots,
Mommy SF