Monday, September 29, 2014

Potty Training Time

I tried potty training Edward when he was 8 months old, and he was doing great until he decided he didn't want to participate anymore.  Fast forward almost 1.5 years later and we were there again, he showed interest but now more verbal, he told me "mommy no more diaper". Of course I couldn't believe it. But sure enough he was ready. In a week, with lots of laundry to wash, Edward is potty trained.

When having two kids under two, there are already plenty of things I tote around. Adding spare clothing and the immediate need to dash to the potty was something I just didn't want to face. But in light of all that, it's really not to bad. In fact, it's a relief to not have to change 2 kids' diapers. Initially, I brought along his potty, which is way to much stuff. Now if really needs to go, he waters the tree.

However, I am grateful for waiting until he was ready. There are many horror stories out there about potty training and I'm happy to have not had to go through to any. I also couldn't have done it without the moral support of friends and family, particularly my friend Lana who shared lots of advice. All the great advice helped. This is a wonderful milestone in Edward's life, albeit a small one. My little boy is growing and it feels like it's going way to fast!

Although we have the occasional accident, he only wears a diaper at night and by morning it is dry. I think it's the coolest thing ever. How can he have gone from only using a diaper to no diaper at all!

Some tips that helped:

Try to stay home for the first few days.
Keep the potty in plain sight.
Have the child in underwear or none
Encourage the child to tell you, but reminding them is always helpful
Never scold the child, I don't think that's helpful at all.
Roll up your carpets, we were having our carpets cleaned during that week which made cleaning up much easier.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Juggling with Two

It's been way to long since I've been here. Sometimes I feel like my blog is my 3rd child and sadly getting the least amount of attention, as many 3rd and subsequent kids do ( I say this with love as I am the eldest of 3 girls).

Two kids 2 years apart is exciting, fiery, fun, exhausting! There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done and I felt the same way with one. So what was I doing differently then than I am now? First off, my second doesn't seem to be as needy as my first. Maybe it's her way of knowing where she fits into her world as a second? Maybe I just have less time for her and she's figured that out or is it her temperament. She is a lifesaver. She plays on her own, totally entertaining herself almost all the time. She is really and truly a special and very happy child. It's a nice change from her brother, who is now 3, and although so much easier than the last 2 years is still very much challenging. He is spirited, always making his presence known, so funny and happy in his own ways.

Since I stay at home, I don't get much mommy down time.  But now that my baby is 14 months, she and her brother are napping on the same scheduled, alleluia! Having an extra 2 hours in my day is overwhelming, what do I do with it? Most days, I spend them cleaning, organizing, eating and less frequently then before napping. The latter has to do with the fact that Eloise is almost done teething, so our long nights of waking have almost ceased. Although trying to get Edward out of our bed and into his is still proving to be a challenge. We recently brought his twin bed in our room, but he won't sleep without one of us laying next to him and every night he walks a few steps from his bed to ours, "mommy can I sleep with you?" Who would say no to that sweet face? So yes, of course I have everything to do with the fact he still sleeps in our bed, we complain just a little, but we love it A Lot!

After Eloise turned 6 months, life seemed more manageable.  Both kids were really interacting and having fun together. Now that she is 14 months, the two of them crack me up.  They have such a dynamic and stereotypical relationship; older bossy brother, younger bossy sister. It's a hoot to watch these two go at it.  There are times when he yells louder than her and she'll throw whatever he wants out of her hand and run the opposite direction. (If I get it on video, I'll post)

They are most at odds in the car.  She is still rear facing and in the middle and he is right next to her. And whatever he plays with she wants and vice versa. Then the hitting starts, he hits her and she laughs, but she hits him and the tears start flowing.

It's moments like that, when I'm in the present and listening to them "yell" at each other that makes every late night, every gray hair, every hard day totally worth it.  They are the sunshine in my life. I am just so darn lucky. Eureka!

What moments do you most cherish with your littles?

Love lots,
Mommy SF